Saturday, 7 June 2008

wooo! I'm finally posting...

not ghosting though, as they did in Dr Who.... (very warped minded people that they are, although they had the good sense to cast David Tennant...).
Rose returns today, yippeee! She's much better than Donna Noble, whom everyone thought was dead until I pointed out that she was in the advert for the remainder of the series.

In other news; I'm leaving school in 17 days! I only have 7 exams left now (9 hrs...) but I have to go in to revise. However that means that I get 2 see Hattz and Rosie, so I'm happy!

Don't forget, Rosie, that we're going to have a rave on the 24th... and bring in lots of chocolate, but not share it with any of the scavs on our bus (c'ept maybe Hattz)! Actually, if we're going back with Charlotte, maybe we should do that on the 23rd then...

I've been writing in my classmates' yearbooks and whilst looking around at home I found some rather interesting and embarrassing pictures of some us in primary school. Pull up socks, pinafores, boater hats with name it.

We've also discovered the joys of The Lancashire Hotpots. These guys are actually AMAZING. Check it out:

Anyway, I have to revise for physics now; so I'll hopefully post soon! (dont bet on it tho)

A xxx

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