Sunday, 3 February 2008

Can't wait!!

I can't wait until next weekend!! It'll be half term (thank god!!) and i'm going skiing to Norway with Roseey and Charley and Andi and Alex and Owen and Bazza and Markey and Conrad!! Yay!! Should be amazing! I tried all my gear on today, and I was boiling! I swear i nearly fainted.....

Unfortunatley, my fleece is about 3 inches too short on the sleeves, so I've gotta get a new one before we go. Last time I went somewhere that cold, it was nearly 4 years ago!

I hate coursework.

Anyway....I went to a party last night and didn't get to sleep till bout half 3 and woke up at quarter to 8!! I'm soooo tired............................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. On the plus side, I had chocolate cake, jelly beans, mini eggs and malteasers for breakfast!! (i'll explain on the bus R and H)

I hate coursework.

I got The Sleepwalker yesterday!! Be proud of me Roseey; I didn't pick it up until about 5pm today!!

I hate coursework.


Neither of my other two pardners in craaam (my attempt to write in a Texan accent) have posted in the last 4 days!!!! tut tut.

I hate coursework.

A xxx

P.S Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee post!!!!!!!!!!

PPS. I hate coursework (in case you didn't realise).

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