Ok, so today I didn't miss the bus this morning for a change!! My friend at the bus stop won't talk to me and I don't know why, and I got changed for drama and looked a fool when I really didn't need to!!!!!
So on the way home, we went a bit hyper! me, RF and HS (my very good bus buddies who both go to my school) were talking about DT (David Tennant) and how come he gets a gold Blue Peter badge, when other people don't? Then we decided that (of course) it doesn't really matter, because he deserves it way more than any other person. Just because....you know. by the way, why does the Queen have one anyway? what does she actually do? all i see her do is attend openings, balls and funerals! Please someone answer me here!! Apparently: 'Gold badges are very rare, and only awarded for really outstanding achievements - for instance, saving somebody’s life or extreme bravery and courage.'
So on the way home, we went a bit hyper! me, RF and HS (my very good bus buddies who both go to my school) were talking about DT (David Tennant) and how come he gets a gold Blue Peter badge, when other people don't? Then we decided that (of course) it doesn't really matter, because he deserves it way more than any other person. Just because....you know. by the way, why does the Queen have one anyway? what does she actually do? all i see her do is attend openings, balls and funerals! Please someone answer me here!! Apparently: 'Gold badges are very rare, and only awarded for really outstanding achievements - for instance, saving somebody’s life or extreme bravery and courage.'

Had PE today - last thing and I miss assembly! yes! i love being in Yr (cough!) (oh no! my cough's back!) - and jogged away on the treadmill in the gym whist being plugged into my ipod. I was in the middle of singing my heart out with the Lighthouse Family, when a TV caught my eye. There was a woman on it, screaming her head off because she's just won £4000. With that amount of money, I wouldn't scream. I'd probably laugh and hope to win more in a minute (wink wink (rubs hands together in a money-grabbing kinda way))! PS. im not making much sense today, so just humour me. (bwah hah hah!!)
Pirattism is one of my favourite personalities. RF, HS and me are all mates upon the magnificent galleon named 'The Jolly Roger, no* 134'. Quite an apt title methinks.
well, i've gotta go. Land ahoy!!
I must (and I mean must) get me one of those... If DT has one then it's good enough for my. BTW, how much do you heart DT on a scale of 1 to 10 (that's the theme of my next post)? For me it's about 38,00000!
what's the lighthouse family?
I wish I lived in a lighthouse.
With David, natchos.
your demented pal
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