Tuesday, 18 December 2007
New Beginnings!!
Check it out!!!
Thanks for everyone who's voted on my poll! It's great of you! It's going to run up until New Years Eve (midnight, coincidentally) and I'm heading for at least 10 votes!! But please, no-one vote twice. Because that would be silly.
OMG it was sooooo funny!! In our Carol Concert rehearsal today, the choir was sat on the stage (Rosie and I are in the choir). Our year (well, about 11 of us girls) was sat at the back on a raised platform. It's basically a metal square with a board on top of it. I was sat right on the edge and my chair wasnt very safe. Anyway, all the chairs were linked together. Guess what happened?? Yep! My mate Gemma (have I spoken about her yet?) was getting exhausted and bored (2 hours of 'Oh Little Town of Bethlehem' can be a bit painful) and she sat down heavily. All the chairs were right at the back edge of this platform and she nudged hers over the edge. Next thing we knew, all 11 of us were all flipping over backwards with our legs in the air, screaming! Unfortunately, we were all wearing skirts too!!! Hattz saw the WHOLE thing (along with loadsa boys!!) !! I was doubled up with laughter and couldn't stop for about five minutes! I'm still chuckling now.. heh heh!
Now I REALLY can't wait till Xmas!!! ahhhhh!!!!
My brother got his report today, sucker!!!
Even though we've only got like 3 more days left at school, the teachers are still insisting on giving us homework! How sad!! Not fair....
Rosie, me, Evie and Annie (have I spoken about these 2? they're my little darlings!!) were speaking French and Spanish on the bus on the way home! Twas rather amusing!
I'm going to Les Misérables on Saturday! I can't wait!! I like exclamation marks!!! Wooo!!!!!!!
I'm rereading 'Last Term at Malory Towers' today! I hate that gobby Amanda cow! I'd send her to Coventry just for the way she's acting! God!
Darrell, you're too nice!
All the French talk has got me in the mood for 'un Croque Monsieur'! Au Revoir mon petits amis! A bientot!
A xx
Sunday, 16 December 2007
When Coventry was bombed in the Second World War, it was isolated coz no-one could get there or get away as the roads were all damaged. Hence the term 'sending to Coventry!'
Top Gear was not on today (damn it!) so I'm bored.
I've created a new blog on which me, Hattz AND Rosie can all post! yay!!
gtg bye!!!
A xxx
Flying VS. Invisibility
We put our christmas lights up outside today! Our road looks very festive tonight, at least 4 houses have lights outside. My next door neighbour has those bright blue LED lights which annoy me because they look rather cheap and tacky rather than golden and festive. hrrm.
I attempted to tidy my room today and didn't get very far.
It's cold outside and my hands were freezing even though I was wearing gloves!!
Me, Ro and Hattz are planning a giant rave on the bus on Friday, with cakes and all. And all the other idiots who are 2-faced and only notice us when we have food can shove off and find some-one more gullible!!!
Have everyone's xmas prezzies now!!
Am v. disappointed that D.T may be leaving Doctor Who!!! I am distraught (that's a better word)!!!!!!
Hattz is NOT going to be a happy bunny when she hears about this.....
Only 8 days until xmas!!
Gtg now as Top Gear is starting!! lol, luv ya all
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat.....
It was my birthday a while ago and i had a great time!!! I got some ghds, and (best of all) some tickets to go see Les Misérables in London on Saturday!!!!!!!!!! AhHHHHH! I'm very excited and can't wait!! Me and Hattz and Ro know practically ALL the songs by now!
In other news, we put up our Christmas tree on Sunday and I decorated it all myself! I am very proud and feeling rather Christmassy now!!
I'm re-getting stuck into the CHERUB series again. Man, Muchamore is GOOD!!!!! That makes twice he's lost me, twice he's regained my trust.......hrm....
lol gtg luvys
A xx
Monday, 26 November 2007
The play (Blue Remembered Hills) went well, even though I looked like I had tried to eat the stage makeup. I had a very black eye, and many 'bruises' on my mouth. I'm an abused child you see.
soz, rather random, but I really do.
I also have two different things in my head (not 'eyes' I hear you cry); Numero Un: Les Misérables songs, et Numero Deux: 'Walking in the Air' by Aled Jones. (ALED not alex)
Both songs are very good.
Anyways, gtg now!!!
c ya!!!
xxx A xxx
Friday, 9 November 2007
anyway, gotta go now!!
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Due to our incredibly exciting and hectic lifestyes, Jimbo, Rosie, Hattz and I have been unable to find time to access our blogs of late. I will persevere to find time to keep you all updated with our lives, but I'm afraid that I may fail occasionally.
As some of us (Rosie and I) have important exams coming up soon, I am sorry to say that we shall be concentrating on revision for a while. UNFORTUNATELY...that comes first in our incredibly busy lives.
I'm so scared. I KNOW i'm going to fail.
Oh well.
See you soon!!
A xx
PPS. I am very sorry if I missunderstood your last post Hattz darling.
It was all a mistake. xx
Thursday, 1 November 2007
TV Awards!!
Watched the National TV Awards last night .
In response to the Doctor 'doing a David', as Hattz puts it, I think that the only reasonable explanation is that the floor was slippy, and that he had some of those posh slippery leather shoes that have NO GRIP!!
See you all soon!
A xx
P.S. I am NOT a jammy pig. I'm a cool dude.
So there.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Why Hello Again My Pretty...
I've been VERY busy.
Hattz is BACK!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo happy!!!! We get to talk about all things mad and Tennant-like!
Anyways, gtg now.
Hope im not kept up by fireworks again tonight....
A xx
PS. RF has returned and posted another blog!! Check out http://toastycheese.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Assessments, coursework, outfits, cold sores, and Sting
me here, just blogging on. So at the weekend I went to town looking for something to wear to my god daughter's christening on Sunday (it's in Ireland). I found zilch-nada/nothing/diddly-squat. So I had a look at home and found something there! woo! who needs shops?? (Meee!!!) Me and mum went and had a coffee in Costas (dad and brother were at the Rally Car Championships) I love that cafe!
Anyway... my parents went to Manchester today (tues) to go see a POLICE concert (the band not bobbies) but it was cancelled because Sting (lead singer for anyone who doesn't know) has a sore throat. aww diddums!
So me and my brother are both at our friends' houses (i'm with RF!!) and my parents are stuck in Manchester!! Stupid thing!
After school today, I stayed in the library to do some work in preparation for a maths assessment tomorrow. This will decide whether we will stay in the group that we're in, or whether we'll move up or down a group. Ours if FAR too big you see. We've got over 30 people in it. I was also doing some of my geography coursework (a draft of which is due in tomorrow!). There were these really annoying boys in there from on of the lower years, and they would NOT shut up!!
I was there because (as you know) I am staying at RF's tonight. There was a hungarian exchange a while back, and now they have come back to visit us. RF went on this trip, so now a hungarian girl is staying with her. She had to stay after school with all the other hungarians and the people who went on the trip to play a game or two of dodgeball. I stayed in the library.
When they had finished, it was pouring with rain, so we ran (squealing) to the car and scurried inside, checking our hair (unusually girly).Then spent from 5-8 doing hwk!! How do teachers intend us to have a social life if they pile this much work onto us?? And that was only 2 pieces!!! Ahhhh!!!!
Anyway, i'm exhausted now and my fingers are stiff from typing, so I'm going to shove RF over and go to sleep.
Night all!
PS. I haven't forgotten to mention David Tennant hattz, he's here!! Algebra:
h+r = dt o.b.s.e.s.s.e.d
Sunday, 14 October 2007
hah hahhah!!
Also RF hasn't blogged for ages too!! Grrr not again!! She says that she hasn't got time. Ok....i'll give her the benefit of the doubt. For now *bwah hah hah hah haaaa!*
David Tennant (reply to Hattz)

Days Four and Five....
By the way....nobody fell in the pond. Just so you know.
And Guess WHAT?? We had a class discussion about Blue Peter Badges!!! How cool!! One of the girls has won one, and we even talked about gold ones!!! AHH!!
Then on Friday I went into Year Four again and helped with Music and PE. How funsome! I meaan come on. NONE OF THE KIDS WERE PAYING THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF ATTENTION!! So there I was, galavanting around like a loony doing these movements that they were meant to do in PE, and they were just laughing at me!!!
Anyways...I later went to the fair with RF and had a brill time!
That's my week!! haha hah!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Day Three...
Now for more interesting things: Today I went to Costas before and after work and had a hot chocolate each time. Afterwards I felt kinda sick. Still do. Kinda.
Item two....am VERY dissapointed to learn that I will not be able to talk to HS when I return to school after Work Experience, as she's going to France!!!
Another thing: DAVID TENNANT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A WEASEL ON SPEED!!!!! I am making this perfectly clear. HS, tell MS (your mum) that I do not agree with her statement.
I am still missing you, HS, and I vow to fill you in on everything that will have happened over the three weeks we have been apart (keep checking this blog!)
anyways, gotta go so byzee!!
A xx
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Day Two...
Today I had to control a whole class of hyper 10 year olds ON. MY. OWN!!
(For anyone who has not tried this....its v. difficult.) There were no adults in the room, and I had to try to sound like I knew what I was doing. Yeah. Right.
I also had fun with the photocopier in the Staff Room. I was asked to split a image into six and enlarge each bit!!! AHHHHH!!! I spent half an hour pressing buttons and getting bleeps in return (from the machine, I wasn't swearing! There were teachers in the next room!).
I was soaked until about lunchtime (as it had been pouring - actually i prefer the word 'hammering', it describes it better - hammering down outside when I arrived), and I had fish fingers and chips. It took me way back to when I was about 5, eating fish fingers and thinking them vile even then!
Well. I was with Year 5 today (as you've probably guessed already) and tomorrow am with Year 6 (shiver!) Have got to go now, so bye!
Monday, 8 October 2007
Rolos and the Doctor

Day One...
Today was Day One of Work Experience. Went into Year Three today, and was almost immediately surrounded by little girls around my legs and wanting to hold my hand!! Ahhh!! There's a little deaf girl in that class so the class is wired up to a sound system and the teacher has a microphone and headset.....very loud when i first walked in! I thought I was being shot at!!!
Anyway...had school dinners again for the first time in YEARS! (our school has rubbish food so I dont count it as school dinners). VERY weird experience sitting at tables and chairs which are far too small for me!
For people who are wondering, I am an avid supporter of The Chronicles of Narnia! I abs adore it, and I feel like I actually belong there....it seems so much more civillised than our world!
I took a quiz and was glad to find that I register as having the same sort of personality as Prince/King Caspian (depending on which book you read). He is my totally favourite character, and my favourite book of all time has to be 'Voyage of the Dawn Treader'. It's just sooo good!!!!
Will be back 2moz guys so cho!
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Top Gear!!
Yay! It's finally the weekend! Went shopping today in Cheltenham....quite a long way to go!! First went to TK Maxx, then to Primark! Woo! Bought quite a lot, and am probably not going to get anything else until xmas (or my b'day! hint hint).
So am v. skint now.
My rabbit (Robbie - nothing to do with the singer!) is ill. Well, i think he must be. Normally, he's hyper and jumping around everywhere. But today, he was just sat in a corner and didn't eat or anything!!! He's only about 2....
It's Eoin's b'day today and he's 3!! (i babysit him). Went over to his house with a present and a card, wich he adores as its got crayons so you can colour it in! (i liked it too). Only meant to drop off the present and then leave, but ended up staying for over an hour! Don't think the parents were happy, as I got him and his brother really hyped up just before bed!
Came back home and tried on all my new outfits! woo! I heart shopping!
Today was pretty boring. I started off by sorting out my outfits for the week (im on work experience this week)! Then had to go and clean Robbie out. We're taking him to the vets tomorrow. Took him out of his hutch and put him on the grass, and he didn't move. Normally he sprints off, and it takes hours to catch him....
Lunched then. Yummy! Roast Dinner (one of my favourites!!). So now i'm meant to be doing my homework. Yes. Ok. Of course I will. It's not like I've got anything better to do.
Had better go before the parents see...
Luv ys all!!
Friday, 5 October 2007
Gold Blue Peter Badges
So on the way home, we went a bit hyper! me, RF and HS (my very good bus buddies who both go to my school) were talking about DT (David Tennant) and how come he gets a gold Blue Peter badge, when other people don't? Then we decided that (of course) it doesn't really matter, because he deserves it way more than any other person. Just because....you know. by the way, why does the Queen have one anyway? what does she actually do? all i see her do is attend openings, balls and funerals! Please someone answer me here!! Apparently: 'Gold badges are very rare, and only awarded for really outstanding achievements - for instance, saving somebody’s life or extreme bravery and courage.'

Had PE today - last thing and I miss assembly! yes! i love being in Yr (cough!) (oh no! my cough's back!) - and jogged away on the treadmill in the gym whist being plugged into my ipod. I was in the middle of singing my heart out with the Lighthouse Family, when a TV caught my eye. There was a woman on it, screaming her head off because she's just won £4000. With that amount of money, I wouldn't scream. I'd probably laugh and hope to win more in a minute (wink wink (rubs hands together in a money-grabbing kinda way))! PS. im not making much sense today, so just humour me. (bwah hah hah!!)
Pirattism is one of my favourite personalities. RF, HS and me are all mates upon the magnificent galleon named 'The Jolly Roger, no* 134'. Quite an apt title methinks.
well, i've gotta go. Land ahoy!!
Thursday, 4 October 2007

i have lots of friends (im so modest) and i might refer to them later on. But to protect their IDs, i'm calling them ED, EP, RF, HS, GW, CJ, CH, SP, etc..
thats all folks!
Welcome to my blog! It's my first attempt, so don't expect much. i'll probably forget to write sometimes, but don't mind that. i'll write as much as possible!